“back from publication” & an old orange crush

I am so very happy to announce that my 4th chapbook is back from publication, and it is absolutely beautiful. I just dropped $100 of my own money to get it done, but it was money well spent. It’s so funny how I say, “back from publication.” “Back from publication” signifies something very official. In reality, “back from publication” for me means that I spent several hours at Kinko’s this morning copying, playing on high tech computers, folding, stapling, and listening to the new Alanis album. Completely to toot my own horn, it is one of the best looking chapbooks I have come across, and I will be so very proud to sell it when I go to NYC this April.

While I was at Kinko’s, I saw this guy I used to have a crush on around six years ago. His name is Clayton, and I didn’t even realize he had been sitting directly beside me at Kinko’s for two hours. That’s a lie. I thought it was him, but I was too busy making copies to have a conversation with him. While I was jamming to my Alanis CD Clayton tried to make contact with me, but I acted like I didn’t hear him. Due to my horrible rudeness I felt bad for the next half hour, so I finally went up to him and said hello. Unfortunately, Clayton told me about how shitty his life has been going for the last year, and I felt obligated to listen to his monologue. Note to readers: Don’t complain about your life to friends you haven’t seen in quite a while. It’s tacky and awkward! It’s so strange for me to think I used to have an orange crush on this man. I guess ever since Ira has come into my life, I really can’t see myself with anyone but him. I’m so happy and lucky! You can imagine the dialogue with Clayton:

CLAYTON: My life sucks. : (

RAGAN: Really? Things are going great for me! : )

CLAYTON: My boyfriend left me last week. : (

RAGAN: Really? My boyfriend and I had an all night sex fest last Friday! It was a blast. : )

CLATON: I’m so sad. : (

RAGAN: Really? I’m deliriously happy! HOORAY! : )

CLAYTON: Do you have a razor blade? : (

RAGAN: No, but I have a chapbook. Would you like one? : )

CLAYTON: Sure, I guess. What do I have to lose? : (

RAGAN: That’ll be $7! : )

I’m evil. I have strong super mutant powers, and I use them for evil.

2 thoughts on ““back from publication” & an old orange crush

  1. postmaudlin March 11, 2002 / 8:31 pm

    you know what sucks worse than using powers for evil? being on the OTHER end of the karma see-saw when you run into someone like you!

    er, not that i’d know anything about that, of course.

    i can’t believe it’s only hours until i get to see you!

    and hey — BIG congrats on the book!



  2. ragan March 11, 2002 / 9:12 pm

    you know you have a hot (from the xerox machine) copy waiting for you the moment you step off the plane this wednesday. i am very excited to see you! i miss your warmth.

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